In the Memory of Ancestors

Mithun 11 June, 2020

In the Memory of Ancestors: Pitri Tarpan

“Trup” means “Satisfying Others” and word “Tarpan” has been formed from the word. In the memory of deceased ancestors, Hindus People offerings of holy dips in the Ganges water (pre-dawn hours) and pray to God called “Tarpan” and offering of water to deceased ancestors’ souls is called as “Pitri Tarpan”. This day lots of people dressed in dhotis to offer Tarpan to the banks of river Ganga.

By performing tarpan, not only get satisfied, but they also bestow long life, radiance, superior intellect, wealth, success and foodstuff on the host performing the tarpan and satisfies him too.

In Hindu mythology, this day bears immense significance for the Bengalis, and this day called “Mahalaya”. Mahalaya signifies the beginning of religious festivals Durga Puja. It is according to the myths, Sree Rama performed Durga Puja just before to rescue Sita from Ravana.

TAGS: IndiaTemple


Over the past 10 years I traveled more than 200 places in 27 countries and a pleasure to be able to share my travel experience and knowledge I have gathered during those days.

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