One of the coolest cities in the world, Lviv

11 January, 2023
Video By - Gabriel Traveler

Paris, Prague, Barcelona have been reflecting their charms for decades, but people are quite aware of those charms anyway. We, the travelers are thirsty for something cool, something unique, something underrated. Well, that’s exactly what Lviv is. One of the coolest neighborhoods of Europe, Lviv is really mesmerizing with all its old and artistic charms. Every single corner of this medieval city is full with fairies and funs. Lviv is the most popular touristic city in Ukraine but it is still quite underrated in the eyes of world travelers. Lviv has so much to offer which are unknown to many of you. So please do visit Lviv and be a Lviv legend to tell a tale of Lviv to your fellow travelers back home.

TAGS: Lvivukraine


Over the past 10 years I traveled more than 200 places in 27 countries and a pleasure to be able to share my travel experience and knowledge I have gathered during those days.

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