Lviv in winter festive mood

11 January, 2023
Video By - Julia Musij

Yes winter is hard for many people and people keep dreaming of summer in those dark winter days. But there are places like Lviv which makes you feel home and warm in those deep dark winters. When the Lvivian houses cover themselves with pure white snow, when Lvivian wanders around squares sipping hot chocolates and aromatic gingerbreads, you will feel winter isn’t that bad at all. The lights around opera market shine bright in the evenings and the people walk faster in the snow. Lviv defines such a beautiful Christmas and New Year eve with a charismatic rhythm, which you might have never experienced. So, Come to Lviv in winter and feel warm with Lvivians.

TAGS: LvivNostalgicukraine


Over the past 10 years I traveled more than 200 places in 27 countries and a pleasure to be able to share my travel experience and knowledge I have gathered during those days.

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